Apresente aqui temas que gostou, skins de programas, ícones, wallpapers, conky's, etc. Ou seja, tudo o que possa alterar de estético no seu Ubuntu, apresente aqui. Em caso de dúvidas de personalização ou se quiser mostrá-la ao mundo, utilize esta secção!
Obrigado Cláudio, decidi (se não houver inconveniente) e sempre que tiver tempo, colocar aqui sugestões, que à medida que as descobrimos concluímos que podem ser muitas, acerca de ambientes cuja prioridade é, acima de qualquer estética meramente ornamental, o lado prático de um ambiente de trabalho. Acho que o Gnome clássic por exemplo tem muito potencial para o fazer. Confesso que não achei muito feliz o resultado do "Matéria líquida", acho que esse wallpaper ficaria perfeito com o lado mais simples e também muito funcional deste último.
"Somente seres humanos excepcionais e irrepreensíveis suscitam ideias generosas e ações elevadas. O conhecimento é limitado. A imaginação envolve ao mundo."
# Use the Xdbe extension? (eliminates flicker) # It is highly recommended to use own window with this one # so double buffer won't be so big. double_buffer yes
### ARGB can be used for real transparency ### NOTE that a composite manager is required for real transparency. ### This option will not work as desired (in most cases) in conjunction with ### 'own_window_type override' # own_window_argb_visual yes
### When ARGB visuals are enabled, this use this to modify the alpha value ### Valid range is 0-255, where 0 is 0% opacity, and 255 is 100% opacity. #own_window_argb_value 200
minimum_size 250 250 ## width, height maximum_width 250 ## width, usually a good idea to equal minimum width
gap_x 50 # left-right gap_y 50 # up-down
alignment tl ################################################### End Window Settings ### ### Font Settings ######################################################### # Use Xft (anti-aliased font and stuff) use_xft yes xftfont Anonymous Pro:size=8
# Alpha of Xft font. Must be a value at or between 1 and 0 ### xftalpha 0 # Force UTF8? requires XFT ### override_utf8_locale yes
draw_shades no default_shade_color black
draw_outline no # amplifies text if yes default_outline_color black
uppercase no ###################################################### End Font Settings ### ### Color Settings ######################################################### default_shade_color gray default_outline_color black
# Boolean value, if true, Conky will be forked to background when started. background no
# Adds spaces around certain objects to stop them from moving other things # around, this only helps if you are using a mono font # Options: right, left or none use_spacer none
# Default and Minimum size is 256 - needs more for single commands that # "call" a lot of text IE: bash scripts text_buffer_size 256
# Subtract (file system) buffers from used memory? no_buffers yes
# change GiB to G and MiB to M short_units yes
# Like it says, ot pads the decimals on % values # doesn't seem to work since v1.7.1 pad_percents 2
############################################## End Miscellaneous Section ### ### LUA Settings ########################################################### ## Above and After TEXT - requires a composite manager or blinks. ## # lua_load ~/Conky/LUA/draw-bg.lua #TEXT #${lua conky_draw_bg 10 0 0 0 0 0x000000 0.6} # ## ${lua conky_draw_bg corner_radius x_position y_position width height color alpha} ## ## OR Both above TEXT (No composite manager required - no blinking!) # # lua_load ~/Conky/LUA/draw-bg.lua # lua_draw_hook_post draw_bg 10 0 0 0 0 0xffffff 0.8 # ## ####################################################### End LUA Settings ###
default_bar_size 120 20 # reverse to commandline and no comma: ${cpubar 20,102}
# The all important - How often conky refreshes. # If you have a "Crey" try: 0.2 - smokin' - but watch the CPU useage go UP! update_interval 1
--[[ Clock Rings by londonali1010 (2009) Edited by SuiCiDeSiNiSTeR (2012) Edited by Sector11 for the "24 Hour Clock" (11 Mar 2012)
This script draws percentage meters as rings, and also draws clock hands if you want! It is easily customized; all options are described in the script. This script is based off a combination of my clock.lua script and my rings.lua script.
IMPORTANT: if you are using the 'cpu' function, it will cause a segmentation fault if it tries to draw a ring straight away. The if statement near the end of the script uses a delay to make sure that this doesn't happen. It calculates the length of the delay by the number of updates since Conky started. Generally, a value of 5s is long enough, so if you update Conky every 1s, use update_num > 5 in that if statement (the default). If you only update Conky every 2s, you should change it to update_num > 3; conversely if you update Conky every 0.5s, you should use update_num > 10. ALSO, if you change your Conky, is it best to use "killall conky; conky" to update it, otherwise the update_num will not be reset and you will get an error.
To call this script in Conky, use the following (assuming that you save this script to ~/scripts/rings.lua): lua_load ~/scripts/clock_rings-v1.1.1.lua lua_draw_hook_pre clock_rings
Changelog: + v1.1.1 -- Fixed minor bug that caused the script to crash if conky_parse() returns a nil value (20.10.2009) + v1.1 -- Added colour option for clock hands (07.10.2009) + v1.0 -- Original release (30.09.2009) ]]
settings_table = { -- if you want rings, open the tables -- NOTE: The settings_table must exist - even if empty. --[[ { -- Edit this table to customise your rings. -- You can create more rings simply by adding more elements to settings_table. -- "name" is the type of stat to display; you can choose from 'cpu', 'memperc', 'fs_used_perc', 'battery_used_perc'. name='time', -- "arg" is the argument to the stat type, e.g. if in Conky you would write ${cpu cpu0}, 'cpu0' would be the argument. If you would not use an argument in the Conky variable, use ''. arg='%I', --arg='%I.%M', -- "max" is the maximum value of the ring. If the Conky variable outputs a percentage, use 100. max=12, -- "bg_colour" is the colour of the base ring. bg_colour=0xffffff, -- "bg_alpha" is the alpha value of the base ring. bg_alpha=0.1, -- "fg_colour" is the colour of the indicator part of the ring. fg_colour=0xffffff, -- "fg_alpha" is the alpha value of the indicator part of the ring. fg_alpha=0.2, -- "x" and "y" are the x and y coordinates of the centre of the ring, relative to the top left corner of the Conky window. x=186, y=186, -- "radius" is the radius of the ring. radius=170, -- "thickness" is the thickness of the ring, centred around the radius. thickness=15, -- "start_angle" is the starting angle of the ring, in degrees, clockwise from top. Value can be either positive or negative. start_angle=0, -- "end_angle" is the ending angle of the ring, in degrees, clockwise from top. Value can be either positive or negative, but must be larger than start_angle. end_angle=360 }, { name='time', arg='%M', max=60, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.1, fg_colour=0xffffff, fg_alpha=0.2, x=186, y=186, radius=150, thickness=15, start_angle=0, end_angle=360 }, { name='time', arg='%S', max=60, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.1, fg_colour=0xffffff, fg_alpha=0.2, x=186, y=186, radius=130, thickness=15, start_angle=0, end_angle=360 }, ]] } -- end of settings_table - must exist
-- Use these settings to define the origin and extent of your clock.
-- "clock_x" and "clock_y" are the coordinates of the centre of the clock, in pixels, from the top left of the Conky window.
function draw_ring(cr,t,pt) local w,h=conky_window.width,conky_window.height
local xc,yc,ring_r,ring_w,sa,ea=pt['x'],pt['y'],pt['radius'],pt['thickness'],pt['start_angle'],pt['end_angle'] local bgc, bga, fgc, fga=pt['bg_colour'], pt['bg_alpha'], pt['fg_colour'], pt['fg_alpha']
local angle_0=sa*(2*math.pi/360)-math.pi/2 local angle_f=ea*(2*math.pi/360)-math.pi/2 local t_arc=t*(angle_f-angle_0)
value=tonumber(str) if value == nil then value = 0 end pct=value/pt['max']
draw_ring(cr,pct,pt) end
-- Check that Conky has been running for at least 5s
if conky_window==nil then return end local cs=cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display,conky_window.drawable,conky_window.visual, conky_window.width,conky_window.height)
local cr=cairo_create(cs)
local updates=conky_parse('${updates}') update_num=tonumber(updates)
if update_num>5 then for i in pairs(settings_table) do setup_rings(cr,settings_table[i]) end end
draw_clock_hands(cr,clock_x,clock_y) end
"Somente seres humanos excepcionais e irrepreensíveis suscitam ideias generosas e ações elevadas. O conhecimento é limitado. A imaginação envolve ao mundo."
Com certeza José Craveiro estava me recuperando de uma cirurgia e fiquei ausente do fórum por algum tempo, mas agora estou retornando ao fórum.
"Somente seres humanos excepcionais e irrepreensíveis suscitam ideias generosas e ações elevadas. O conhecimento é limitado. A imaginação envolve ao mundo."